Sex The author of "The Little Guide to Female Masturbation" explains the effects of solitary pleasure in the forties.

Finally time to masturbate all day long!

My name is Julia and I wrote The Little Guide to Female Mastubation because I believe that freeing the subject of female masturbation is moving the world forward, because a woman who masturbates and gets pleasure without feeling guilty is a free woman. It's not a legend... We have gold at our fingertips! I declare the clitoral revolution open!

What's masturbation?

Feeding one's body, somnolence, intense pleasure, liberation, letting go, reunion with oneself... Masturbation serves to give pleasure, it's a crazy love story with oneself.

Some testimonies among the 6000 that you can find in my book:

"Masturbation is beautiful, it's personal, it's precious and formative."

"It's a refuge, a way to reconnect with myself."

"I masturbate when I have a headache or when I'm menstruating, it's good for me."

"I control my pleasure and I do it as much as I like. It's a way to make love to yourself."

"Masturbation can, in my opinion, greatly help happiness and personal development."

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